Conference Room Design

image of red couch and table
Learning environment can impact the quality of education. While the tech industry has embraced a casual atmosphere, many others businesses remain married to traditional settings.

Last Friday, the Technology Director and I traveled to Turning Technology in Youngstown, Ohio for a day of Dualboard training. The offices were colorful and styled in the open floor plan model. I even spied a ping pong table tucked in the corner. But the conference room was clearly designed to allow creative collaboration.

Bright colors, plenty of space and lightweight chairs allowed the room to easily be reconfigured for different needs. An L-shaped couch along the wall accentuated a casual atmosphere. A small shelving unit included a book exchange and Mr Potato Head.

The training staff was warm and welcoming, making us feel comfortable. As much of the training was hands on, getting up and working with the Dualboard I appreciated the relaxed atmosphere. And that seems to be the ultimate goal of crafting the classroom environment - evoking the right mood. As I continue to put together my computer lab at a new school, I'm reminded to consider how my room impacts student learning.


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