Tues Tech Tip: Integrating Pop Culture

​Santa Tracker is Back

​Looking for something to entertain the kids over break? Explore Google's Santa Tracker! The Village is full of games and activities to do in the days leading up to Christmas Eve. Then follow Santa across the globe with videos and a wealth of geographic information.

Star Wars in the Classroom

​​You may not be a big fan of the cult sci-fi classic, but there is no escaping the Star Wars frenzy this holiday season. While Books A Million has Star Wars workbooks, you might want something more engaging for your students. Visit Star Wars in the Classroom, a compendium of educational resources organized by content area that other teachers have used. The home page features posts about calculating speed of TIE fighters, exploring themes in literature and programming with Princess Leia.

Use Lego Bricks to Teach Math

​​As you know, I really like the brightly colored plastic bricks and find lots of unusual ways to incorporate them into the curriculum. We Are Teachers has a wonderful infographic and suggestions on:
  • ​Lego Fractions
  • Lego Area and Perimeter
  • Lego Multiplication: "Groups of" and Arrays
  • Lego Mean, Meridian, Mode and Range
  • Lego Place Value
  • Lego Spatial Awareness
  • Lego Dice


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