Purdue STEM Workshop Slideshow Posted

Role Play Education Slideshow Title Slide
Amazed at the response to my #2017STEMConf workshop last Thursday. To view my slideshow from the workshop, scroll to the bottom of the RPE website.

I estimate there were 50+ attendees at my presentation. Several took notes and four teachers stayed after to ask some excellent followup questions.

Since this workshop was only 45 minutes, I wished we could incorporated more hands on role play. Several teachers already use ClassDojo, so it was good sharing ideas with them on expanding and incorporating the Dojo system into a larger classroom narrative.

I was able to attend several other workshops and enjoyed hearing Buzz Aldrin give the keynote speech. As I continue to process through all my notes, I'll try to share some thoughts in additional posts.

Related Link: sites.google.com/view/rpe


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