Associating AdSense to a Minor's Account

Adding AdSense to my daughter's YouTube channel was anything but easy.

After reading Richard Byrne's article on summer job options for teenagers, I realized that my daughter could monetize her YouTube account. I've had AdSense
for several years but never really took full advantage of it's features.

After reading through some old forum posts and watching a couple videos made by middle school kids, we started through the process. But at the very last submit button we would get kicked out with the warning box that she was under age and ineligible for AdSense.

The trick was opening an incognito tab and having both her account and my account open at the same time.

Here are the steps as we completed them:

  1. Use an Incognito window for all the parent account settings and a regular window for the child accounts
  2. First sign up for AdSense and enable it on the parent YouTube account.
  3. Sign into the child's YouTube account and go to the Creator Studio.
  4. In the sidebar select Channel, then Monetization.
  5. Walk through the questions making sure to sign in with the parent account.
  6. After walking through the process on the child's account, go to the parent YouTube account in the same monetization section and walk through the process to Associate an Adsense account.


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