12 Books of Fiction Challenge

I recently joined a challenge to read at least one book of fiction each month in 2019. Typically this would not be difficult for me but I've been feeling guilty about not spending as much time on non-fiction books for work.

What fiction books would you recommend? 

For February, I decided to begin with The Wild Robot Escapes, a sequel to a book I read last year. The artwork and pacing are the same as the original and so far the plot equally engaging. The short chapters also help to give a sense of accomplishment and invite reading in sporadic bursts.

Looking through my "to-read" book list on Goodreads, I see that the non-fiction is starting to overwhelm the fiction. Last year's favorite was Geekerella, but I also tend towards science fiction - particularly Doctor Who. So this challenge should help me to seek out the balance in my reading choices.


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